
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Placebo Effect and the Nature Cure

It is common to see the diseases rarely occurring in the past and once attributed to the wrong way of living(especially the rich and obese) in every household now. Diabetes, Cancer etc. to name a few. Family history does contribute, but the disease lays dormant until provoked by falling prey to incorrect lifestyle and outlook.
Surprisingly, many drugs (painkillers,antidepressants etc.) designed and marketed by The medical giants are now touted as being "incompetent" attributed to the "placebo effect". Before releasing a drug in the market, it has to be FDA approved (I am writing in context of US). A selected group of people (test subjects) are administered both the actual drug and milk-sugar pills (placebo). And in most of the cases, the drugs are not able to beat the sugar-pills!!

So much to say for the billions of dollars which go into the research for the medicines and the convincing (theoretically) biological proofs!
These drugs sell like hot cakes in our country and most of the people are unaware of their futility!
The sad part is that we are not aware of the healing power of easily accessible products(mostly on the kitchen shelf) gifted to us free of cost by mother nature :)
A pollution free air, intoxicating fragrance of flowers, eternal sunshine, food in its purest form (unaltered by cooking) are everyone's right. A lot of research has been done on the healing powers of naturopathy and indigenous arts like Yoga,Meditation. They are effective (A family Experience) and can beat any X-Y-Z crappy disease of the world. What it really needs to cure oneself is faith and patience and of-course , optimism.
Human body is designed to repair itself for any damage. Producing Antibodies is a no-charge infallible defense mechanism. The rate at which they are produced depends on the lifestyle and eating habits and thus determines the effectiveness and speed of healing. Unfortunately, most of the research goes into chemicals which when consumed more than the prescribed limit can even cause death!
Even if 1% of money and effort goes into holistic ways of healing ; we can see dramatic effects :)
I feel happy for people like Swami Ramdev who are at least putting in effort and time.
The knowledge and wisdom lie with a few people who are not able to pass it on to the next generation due to many reasons we all know. The knowledge, of course is not which X-Y-Z herb cures what, but rather knowing the extreme science of body, breath and mind as well as the science behind how a herb works and why.
But it will definitely take a lot of time for us to change our thinking and believe in indigenous ways and show faith. That, would be the real science and would help the humanity....

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