
Friday, April 22, 2011

Had a new and different kind of experience .........
Spent night at YPR railway station ...
Thought that Indian Railway stations, as usual would be buzzing with activities and alive with colorful people colorful faces :-)
And my "generalization" usually sucks! ....The station was deserted after my mother's train left ..............
Wasnt allowed into the waiting room as I was not carrying a valid ticket ..platform ticket doesnt count I think .... The waiting room was empty though .... Guess the fear of getting told off by the higher authority took over the sensibility and humanity there ...
So spent the night sitting on stairs in front of the room for the sake of seeing a couple of faces inside and reassuring myself "all is well" ....
It rained entire night and I was not carrying warm clothes .........
Got a bit of idea as to how homeless people feel .........
Do they too feel dejected , helpless , lone and happiness sucked out leaving a larger bit of their soul dead .........
It is difficult to deal with the way life is dealing with you and your present conditions ..I really hail people who make the best out of it ....there are many examples ............. To keep yourself cheerful when everything seems dead against the real spirituality and definitely that should be one of our end-goals .........
When a tragedy strikes a nation/city/a civilization...the line between "have-s" and "have-nots" is merged suddenly and it is really painful to imagine how would it feel when everything that made you happy and safe till date is taken/snatched away ...
And people deal with it and move on...Japan's recent tragedy is an example ..........
It is wonderful to be a "human being" and be able to feel and analyze, empathize and sympathize :) :)


Pankhuri said...

Hi dear
Seems as if u have a impeccable understanding of life and happen to see it from very near.
Its true dat every experience makes us taste a reality: be it sweet or bitter, but the point is: who all analyse it so minutely n take cue from it for dere future life..

I guess ur one f dose handful.vil try to add myslef in d list too :)
Dis feels like one shud find oneslf blessed n thankful to Almighty for giving dis bful life inspite off cribbing for wat v dnt have....

SHUBHA said...

true !! :)

Jayashree S Kumar said...

Dear Shubha, I liked this post very much...It shows your nature of being compassionate and your ability to empathize with others. Yes, it is important to understand the pangs of hunger, thirst, loneliness, depression and so on of others. We can understand these more at times when we too experience the same in a much better way. We can share with the have nots with our own affordability...
Very well written and your feelings are expressed in a genuine manner.

SHUBHA said...

thanks :) :)

akhilesh dubey said...

Well what clue we take out from our experiences depends much on our own nature. We are easily influenced by others but hardly make a move on to realize our ownself...

Everything is an Illusion...