
Monday, September 8, 2008

UnAnSweRed QueStiONs

M a bit Of Wht OthERS wud call "bookworm"....since childhood days kind of used to reding all sort of stuff.....frm folklore....detective kind...comic...(luv alice in wonderland)  ....  Once came acrosss a book ...titled  "mysteries"....  was astonished to learn d wrld arnd us dat we c n observe n conclude.....  is not dat simple n everythng not as obvious as it seems to be.... The incidnts mntnd "HAPPENED" for sure....The buk's authenticity is ensured...  well sum stuff got into my mind like wart of plaster.....won't come off...  :)   ....  still wonder wht cud b d reason....  roots in science???   Science has answered al most all of d questions mankind cud ever ask...  but many r unanswered yet....  n m sure wud remain unanswered n categorized into "unsolved mysteries"....  

Well coming to d buk....  read an incident abt a girl...who died young...luvd a doll as a kid...used to keep it with her everytime....  the doll was buried alongside....  a decade or so later....her grave was accidently dugged....ppl were astonished to find dat the doll's hairs n nails were growing!!!  Now who cud xplain such things???   ..  Hmm...  some ppl possess psychic powers....intutions...get hold of things which wud tk place abt some ppl who hear a strange sort of unearthly music b4 someone close to dem gonna die...creepy na...  its true but...  many such incidents were listed.....n abt "time slips"...something was mntnd abt a visit to a shop by 2 frnds....they enter inside n astonished to find entore scenario turned upside down!!!  The storekeepers had changed.....dressed in some 20 yrs bk style of clothes....somethng creepy n strange abt d surroundings...shaking d creepy feelings off,,,,the frnds ask for stamps....they get sm strange sort of stamps...not used in their times..they pay the storekeeper....who is as surprised abt the coins as d frnds r abt her....they jst walk out....  d world changes again!!!  they deide to walk bk again to intuition i guess....  n find everything "normal"  .....  they r !!well!!  no wrds for dat...  how wud u feel???  ..  they get d stamps investigated  .. n lo!!  ....they discover dat they belong to  some other era....  well creepy!!! strange bt dis happened!!  how cud "SCIENCE"xplain it...can we take everything down to nano particles?? as ppl anticipate they will solve every query possible??  Well another thing mntnd abt pyramid of gizha in egypt which intrigues me....  They hv some calming properties...a significant reduction in level of stress is noticd wen one steps inside the pyramid...  ppl suffering frm pain etc find relief there.... a hot cup of coffee becomes more alluring,sweet n loveable...  so wht cud b the possible reason???  The construction statistics....angles  etc???  May b the pyramids trap d sunlight n makes it more enhanced or that sort of thing!!!  well.....there r many such "unsolved mysteries"...  if nyone patiently read my blog and came 2 dis point  :)  (i owe u a treat nyways!!!)  do comment n write if u knw some of d mysteries...!!!  Ta... till nxt ... 


shifa shalini said...

hmmmm see i read d whole post so u owe me another treat along with some 400 treats which u promised me in those 4 years[:)]well have to say u hav got n amazing memory man u remember childhood stories.....well i too hav read many....but cant remember any of dem nw....will share dem wid u if..i manage to recollect them

SHUBHA said...

Sure dr ur treat is due n m adament to gv it in good time ;)

Unknown said...

yupp i used to read unsolved mysteries ... keep writing