
Sunday, September 21, 2008

AppreHenSions!!!! StaTe Of Fear....

When u consider urself "unfit" to discuss "stufff" with others which wud provide a huge relief to ur soul....u blog!!!! Guess dats wht m doing rite now!!! Having spent nearly 3 mnths in college....hv gone thru millions of "transient"phases n emotions...M gathering "facts" abt none other than myself..."self introspectn"...Smtimes....manytimes rather....we tend to do things we wud never ever do if we cud see (predict) d aftermaths....but then dats life....mysterious n uncertain...every action has a equal n oposite beautifully observer by mr.newton...applicable to almost everything....done physically or emotionally...!! We cant escape d fact dat howsoever we fear of consequences of certain actns...they hit us like ...well... like u r walking smwhere n dnt c whats cmng n BANG!!! :) ....jst trying to be funny to relive myslf of the tension building inside me.....Well did certain things shud never hv done...Shud make myself a lil bit "practical"...on scale of practicality wud rate myself "zero"...!!!! Hv done certain thngs n fear d consequences this cmng week... Trying to prepare myself to face them boldly....n accept d fact i hv committed "mistakes".... but same time praying to god to gv me courage n "WILL TO FIGHT BACK"....One thng n only one thng i like abt myself...Hv been gifted with a tendency to fight back for everything...I never like to admit i have been defeated...this is good n bad both... sometimes we shud keep our emotions aside n just "move on..." ... But never shud we accept the fact dat our fate is destined to fail!!!... I committed d "so called" mistakes with an "aim"to render help to others...(which i feel) .. but in reality i tried to avoid certain "seemingly obvious: responsibilties... dats where i sealed my fait.... Rendering help is gud... but it shud be in such a way dat it "really" benefits others....rather dan gvng "cooked food" to a person who within all his capabilities n constraints can cook it....provide him with necessary ingredients.... Guess i hv learnt dis lesson bigtime...

Now why shud i write aal dis crap....coz next time m going to accidently take ny wrong step... Will go thru d blog n take decisions sensibly..!!!!!!!
Lets seee whts in store ... d cmng week..... will update d blog abt d "aftermaths"... be them gud or "bad" ... :)


shifa shalini said...

oooooooooh a page full of words.....all i was able to figure out was dat u in a spot becoz u helped smbdy....which u shdnt hav....rite[:)]....u shd write goverment ka secret documents.....enemies wld never be able to decipher it[:)]....i m sure watever prob u r in ull cm out of it.and do tell me the consequences.....of ur so called actions[:)]

Unknown said...

great comments! was so real as if somebody is talking in front of you..i like the way you write...i agree with Shifa Shalini that u explained your situation without giving too much about the cause...but then it's ur blog, so u r gonna decide how much u r going to unfold....that's the way it is... looking forward to your next blog

SHUBHA said...

Thnx shifu a ashish .. :) ....actually wht i did is in midway bw a "sin" n "wrong-doings"....its a seemingly simple thng.... like doing sum wrk urself n then passing it on to others to copy etc. .... but i truly realize now how harmful it is....