
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Song of my life!!!! :)

This music, when I listen to it with my eyes closed, I see flashes of the past , could feel the promises future holds , and eternal peace waiting to embrace me one day ...


Love you Yanni ...!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Buffalo and me

Its wonderful at times to observe living, breathing creatures and think : How Am I different?
Sounds weird! But...have always wondered what really makes me different from a ...lets say ..a buffalo!!!
It breathes, so do I..
It eats , so do I
And i could add so much to this list that is tad too obvious !
Hmm..I have brains ..I can think, have finished my studies and can buy my daily meals!
It makes me any smarter than that Buffalo? Well i am writing this post and the buffalo cant! Lo! I just won a battle !
But level of sophistication I have over buffalo does not make me any different, just that it makes me feel superior.... Though I don't think it would affect that Buffalo in any way...
One thing I appreciate in buffalo, It acts on its instincts! It eats when it wants, sleeps when it wants, unaffected by wavering and futile emotions and does not write blogs!
Sometimes i feel being intelligent and being able to think is a burden!
A very bad argument! How the world would have been, devoid of all its wonders and glory mankind has created over generations using the fruits of pure sweat and labor,and genius unparalleled by majority of the other species...
I appreciate good food today, enjoy music and other creative arts, love indulging in discussions, ponder over the wisdom of sages and inclined towards spirituality and I can love!
I can see the beauty of this world ... Could buffalo too?
It does after all, gently handle the calves; bond with humans who treat it well, can express joy and sorrow and us milk ...(we take it actually)

And the next moment i can hate strongly the entity which might have had been my object of admiration for days!
I can suppress my instincts and act against my nature and will ...I do it most of the times and buffalo does not!
But isn't buffalo worst than a slave! Why does not it realize the fact that the day it turns unproductive, she would be nicely butchered and it has been happening since ages! Hasn't it learnt yet to be wary of human race and develop defense mechanisms! Why hasn't evolution yet taught the tame animals to resist us, the humans?
We are meant to rule ..right?
So i should be happy and should smirk at that buffalo!
Irrespective of all that, why is it that I look and buffalo and end up wondering ..."Lucky You! Lets swap places!"
Not yet able to figure out why!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

To God :)

Want to talk to you, my unknown , silent companion,
for that would be you i will find my solace in,
For that would be you to whom i would confide in my deepest darkest secrets,
let go of my delicate desires,
feel free
happy and safe forever ...
When will you manifest thee
have survived through the gloomiest of dawns
sitting on the edge , could see the end is near
confront me and let me feel your warmth
let it last for a quanta , for that moment , would make this little life worthwhile
For my passion did not bear this request ..
Wish it could be ..beyond divinity

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A prayer for lifetime :)

This prayer is ...just very close to my heart :) Makes me realize again and again life is not vengeful and a lot of love is in store :) :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Today SomeOne I have been adoring since childhood, who is adored by millions alike , who has really helped my loved ones in impossible times (something people who can relate to can admire...) and helped me in my tough times too adieu to this world ..........

I wish that people remember and appreciate his good deeds and selfless,flawless helping attitude and the way he transformed the lives of many; but really sad by the fact that majority believes in digging up the dirt and scrutinizing dead / meaningless facts ......... Though it really doesn't matter to those who understand ..................

Tribute .......